Main Campus Facility Service Disruption and Shutdown Notifications

May 2024

May 13th Building 172, section of loading dock surface will be repaird and out of service for the day.

May 9th Building 146, all non-essential power to the building will be off from 6:00am until 7:00am for installation of a VFD and breaker. 

May 7th Building 070, air handlers A/C-10, A/C-12, and HV-7A will be shutdown from 8:00am until 12:00 noon for filter changes. Numerous rooms on several floors will be affected.

May 6th until September 1st Buildings 089, mens washrooms 1811, 1820, 2822, 3822 and 4822 will be renovated.  Only one washroom will be closed at a time. Please use an alternate washroom when an area is under renovation.

May 6th until August 31st Building 071, mens and womens washrooms are being renovated. Other fooor washrooms are available for use.

May 6th until 9th Building 172, annual fire alarm testing. Testing will be silent but exit building if sign of smoke or flames during testing timeframe.

May 6th Building 140, air handling unit AC11 will be shutdown from 8:00am until 12:00noon to clean coils.Air flow will be off in numerous rooms on all floors during this time.

May 6th Building 140, air handling unit AC12 will be shutdown from 12:30pm until 4:30pm to clean coils.Air flow will be off in numerous rooms on all floors during this time.

May 4th Buildings 069 and 079, non-essential power will be off to entire building from 7:00m until 3:00pm for maintenance. This includes all 600 volts equipment 120/208 volts equipment, lighting and receptacles.

May 3rd Building 178, stadium lighting on west side of building will be relamped. Lang Way will remain open. Areas affected under lights will be cordoned off for safety.

May 2nd until August 16th Building 007, main entrance and basement access will be restricted due to renovation work. Side entrances will remain open.

May 2nd Building 060, fire alarm system relocation due to renovations. Fire watch will be present.

May 1st until August 1st Buildings 180, corrective work on windows. Contractor will start on level four of Lanark and work downwards to level one. When completed, contractor will move to Dundas and work in the same fashion.

May 1st until June 27st Buildings 075, roof draiage system repair and replacement. No building access restrictions are required. 

May 1st until June 27st Buildings 002 and Annex, roof shingle replacement. Equipment will be parked behind the building. Accessible parking will not be affected.

May 1st until June 16th Buildings 070, stairwell A, B, C and D renovation work. There will be significant noise and vibration. Alternate entrances and exits will be identified.

Elevator Out of Service
May 1st until 2nd Building 030,
elevator E093 will be out of service for repairs. Elevator E24 in OVC Main (039) is in service

May 1st Building 159, non-potable water will be shutdown to rooms 1102-1110 from 8:00am until 11:00am to repair leak.

May 1st Building 071, air handling units AC-2 and AC-4 will be shutdown from 8:00am until 4:00pm for maintenance inspection. Floor 6 will be affected.

April until August 2024

April 30th Building 073, filter changes on exhaust fans EF-116A, B, C, Heat Recovery and AC-6. Time of shutdown is from 12:30 until 4:00pm. Close sashes on fumehoods in the west wing during the shutdown.

April 29th until August 16th Building 071, exterior building envelope work involving lift truckcs. No building access restrictions.

April 29th until July 12th Building 068, upgrades to Elevator E11, and basement level exterior doors. There will be no elevator travelling to the third floor in the Classroom Wing and northwest exterior doors will be temporarily unusable. 

April 29th until May 31st Buildings 158, 178 and 232, work on electronic access installations.

April 29th until May 2nd Building 067, fire alarm testing. Bells will be tested on April 29th from 7:00am to 10:00am. Evacuation not required.

April 25th until August 2nd Building 180, recladding of East Residence, Phase 2 - Glengarry Tower.

April 22nd until May 20th Building 158, room 521 partial closure of lounge for renovation work.

April 22nd until May 17th Buildings 084, 088 and 140, work on electronic access installations.

April 5th until May 17th Building 081, 082 and 083, electronic access to be installed in corridors, primary entries and exitsand electrical and communication rooms. Contractor will be onsite to install conduit, cabling, and door hardware. Door areas will be cordoned off. Pedestrians will be directed to alternate entries. Periodic loud work to be experienced.

March until May 2024

March 20th until May 10th Building 046, exterior repairs at windows and entry canopy, Wings B and C. Some noise can be expected. 

Future Annual Utilities Shutdowns

To provide the campus community with the opportunity to plan future activities, Physical Resources has developed a standard time frame for the annual electrical and steam systems maintenance shutdowns.
The shutdowns are necessary to perform essential preventive maintenance on these systems.


Yearly campus wide electrical shutdowns will take place each year on the last Saturday and Sunday in April.
These shutdowns are to do preventive maintenance on our aging electrical infrastructure. The theory of course is that good preventive maintenance on critical equipment will minimize disruptive emergency outages. We ask that departments plan their activities well in advance and avoid these dates. These dates represent the least disruptive window of opportunity to do this work. Buildings will be without regular power for the duration of the shutdown. Emergency lighting, as provided by the campus essential power system, will not be affected. As the shutdown dates approach, we will issue more detailed information. Queries shall be directed to Doug Doel, Manager, Electrical Design, extension 53459 or email

Standardizing Shutdowns

Standardizing shutdown times will allow departments to plan their activities well in advance so as not to cause undue disruption. In particular, it is important that no major special events be planned during these shutdowns. Arranging temporary power or steam supplies is very expensive and generally will not be provided. If you have any questions or require any additional information please contact Steve Nyman, Director, Maintenance and Energy Services at extension 52014 or email