Main Campus Facility Service Disruption and Shutdown Notifications
November 2024
November 7th Building 046, scanning and coring in storage room 008 in preparation of electrical upgrades.Work is scheduled between 8:00am and 12:00pm. There will be noise in the building once coring begins.
November 6th until 8th Building 069, northeast exit onto Reynolds Walk will be closed for ongoing construction work on the exterior side of this exit. Alternate exit route signs are posted in the building.
November 6th Building 159, air handling units AC14 and RF14 will be shutdown for maintenance. Air flow in areas of floors 1, 2 and 3 will be affected for the day.
October until November 2024
October 29th until November 5th 002 MacDonald Hall and 067 Lambton Hallamp - walkway between these buildings ill be inaccessible. Ramp will be widened to allow snow clearing machinery to clear the ramp during winter months.. There will be brief periods of noise during existing concrete removals. Contractor will have fencing and signage up designating construction area.
October 28th until November 29th Building 037, electronic access installation. Door areas will be cordoned off. Pedestrians will be directed to alternate entries. Periodic loud work may be experienced.
October 7th until November 12th Buildings 044, corridor C1407. Breezeway asphalt flooring is in poor condition and in need of replacement. The existing asphalt flooring will be removed and replaced with a new sloped concrete pad.
- The contractor will put up construction warning signage on all doors accessing this area from buildings 044, 045, 049 and 183.
- An area outside of C1407 at the exterior of the building will have fence installed to contain the contractor’s equipment
- An area southeast of building 045 will have a fence perimeter installed to act as temporary horse run while C1407 is being worked on (see attached map)
Future Annual Utilities Shutdowns
To provide the campus community with the opportunity to plan future activities, Physical Resources has developed a standard time frame for the annual electrical and steam systems maintenance shutdowns.
The shutdowns are necessary to perform essential preventive maintenance on these systems.
Yearly campus wide electrical shutdowns will take place each year on the last Saturday and Sunday in April.
These shutdowns are to do preventive maintenance on our aging electrical infrastructure. The theory of course is that good preventive maintenance on critical equipment will minimize disruptive emergency outages. We ask that departments plan their activities well in advance and avoid these dates. These dates represent the least disruptive window of opportunity to do this work. Buildings will be without regular power for the duration of the shutdown. Emergency lighting, as provided by the campus essential power system, will not be affected. As the shutdown dates approach, we will issue more detailed information. Queries shall be directed to Doug Doel, Manager, Electrical Design, email
Standardizing Shutdowns
Standardizing shutdown times will allow departments to plan their activities well in advance so as not to cause undue disruption. In particular, it is important that no major special events be planned during these shutdowns. Arranging temporary power or steam supplies is very expensive and generally will not be provided. If you have any questions or require any additional information please contact Steve Nyman, Director, Maintenance and Energy Services, email